Unit 4 Comprehension Skills:
4.1- Cause/Effect
4.2- Author's Purpose
4.3- Cause/Effect
4.4- Draw Conclusions
4.5- Author's Purpose
Please see the "Skill Presentations" section below for powerpoints explaining each comprehension skill in more depth. Also, please check out Google Classroom for more resources on each skill.
*Please also see the "Helpful Hints and Things to Remember" section of your child's Literacy Binder for more information about each skill covered in class.
Unit 4 Grammar Skills:
4.1- Subject/Object Pronouns
4.2- Pronouns/Antecedents
4.3- Possessive Pronouns
4.4- Indefinite/Reflexive Pronouns
4.5- Who/Whom
Please see the "Skill Presentations" section below for powerpoints explaining each comprehension skill in more depth. Also, please check out Google Classroom for more resources on each skill.
*Please also see the "Helpful Hints and Things to Remember" section of your child's Literacy Binder for more information about each skill covered in class.
Unit 4 Spelling Patterns
4.1- Greek Word Parts
4.2- Prefixes
4.3- Words with ci- and ti-
4.4- Related Words
4.5- Word Endings
Please see the "Spelling City" link above to access all Spelling words. Students are able to play multiple games to study and practice spelling words each week.
*Students also have a hard-copy Spelling list located in their Literacy Binder.

Grammar Skills
- Pronouns and Antecedents: Version 1
- Pronouns and Antecedents Version 2
- Pronouns and Antecedents: Version 3
- Pronouns and Antecedents: Version 4
- Pronoun Review.pptx
- Are you smarter than a 6th grader review.ppt
- PossessivePronounPPT-1.pptx
- Subject and Object Pronouns updated 5-11-14.ppsx
- Indefinite & Reflexive Pronouns.pptx
- Who & Whom ppt..pptx
Comprehension Skills
Novel Study
The Watsons go to Birmingham: 1963
by: Christopher Paul Curtis

I graduated cum laude from Auburn University Montgomery with my Bachelor's degree in Childhood Education. I received my Master's degree in Elementary Education from Troy Montgomery.

- Pine Level Elementary School (2007-2016)
- Daniel Pratt Elementary School (2016- present)

My name is Shawna Short. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart, Matt Short, who is a PE teacher at Prattville Elementary School. We have three wonderful children, Reece (15), Marley Kate (14), and Sarah Collins (8) who keep us VERY busy!
I absolutely love teaching! There is no greater feeling than watching a child grow and learn! We are going to have a fabulous year!
A few of my favorite things include: Chick-Fil-A, Los Mayas, and Polished Nails :)